Designer Glass Balustrade Sydney

Difference Between Frameless and Semi Frameless Shower Screens

Custom Frameless Shower Screens

(Last Updated On: 20/11/2020)

When it comes to buying shower screens, it is quite easy for you to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices that you have. However, commit yourself to know as much as you can about these products. One of the commonest questions that you may have in this context is the difference between the various products in this context. You may want to know how semi-frameless products differ from frameless ones. You may think you want a certain product for your bathroom, such as the custom frameless shower screens. In that case, get all the information that you can on these products.

  • The difference in terms of frame
  • As their names would suggest, the frameless showers are ones that do not have any frame. They are made of only glass but are a lot thicker. The semi-frameless or semi-framed products have thin glass, but the glass is durable and strong. It is better than the glass that you get in the fully framed products. The frames in these cases are integrated carefully so they have a seamless and continuous appearance. The custom frameless shower screens, however, are the most popular options in this category because of their charming appearance.

  • The difference in terms of the glass used
  • The frameless shower screens normally feature the strongest glass. This is one reason they are as popular as they are. The glass used in the semi-frameless products is however just as strong and durable. The glass used in the frameless shower screens has a thickness of 10 mm and the glass of the semi-frameless ones is 6 mm thick. Therefore, many people think the glass used in the custom frameless shower screens is stronger.

  • The difference in terms of pricing
  • A semi-frameless product is economical compared to a frameless one. The reasons for those who have already been alluded to above. This is the reason it is such an attractive option for people who have a smaller budget to work with, in these cases. However, you must also know and understand the fact that since they are economical, there are some restrictions and limitations regarding installation and design. So, if you have money and do not mind spending it on your bathroom, you can always go for the custom frameless shower screens.

  • Buying these products from the best service providers
  • When you are buying these custom frameless shower screens, it is always better to do so from the finest service providers in the industry such as Iron Glass. This is because we offer you the contemporary and sophisticated product you are looking for in this context. When you buy and install such high-quality products, you automatically increase its value. It also helps that these products can be cleaned so easily. Get a high-quality and premium look for your bathroom with custom frameless shower screens.