Designer Glass Balustrade Sydney

Bathroom Shower Screens: All You Need to Know

(Last Updated On: 23/10/2020)

Bathrooms are one of the essential parts of your home. And in modern homes, the bathrooms are designed by professional interior decorators, and they offer good creative modifications and touch up to enhance their aesthetic value. However, the subtle changes will not cost you a fortune; if you want to remodel your bathroom's present look and feel, you will need a bit of investment. And installing bathroom shower screens or replacing the existing ones is an important part of bathroom renovation. By installing shower screens, you can also convert your simple-looking bathroom into a designer one.

Apart from offering great functionalities, the shower screens also significantly affect the design and upkeep of the bathroom. So, selecting the best bathroom shower screens in Sydney, from Iron Glass, is essential for maintaining both the practical and stylistic elements of the space.

Now let us have a look at the main reasons for installing shower screens in the bathroom

  1. The shower screens look appealing and attractive:
  2. One of the main reasons why people choose to install shower screens in their bathrooms is that these screens look appealing and attractive even after being highly affordable. As a result, your bathroom would look more alluring and unified. And when these screens are integrated with other elements of interior designing, these can resonate with a highly charming and positive appearance.

  3. The shower screens can be customized:
  4. The shower screens are available in many different designs and sizes preferred by the users, making the screens highly attractive. Besides, you can easily customize these screens according to your bathroom space.

  5. The shower screens are exceptionally durable:
  6. People think that the shower screen glass is not safe, this is not true. The glass shower screens are highly durable. Usually, tempered glass is used in the bathroom shower screens in Sydney, which is subjected to high temperature, which makes it exceptionally durable and strong.

  7. The shower screens have low maintenance:
  8. Shower screen installation offers you a complete return on investment. And one of the best things about installing a shower screen is that there is no need to care for it or maintain it regularly. You must care for the screens only when it accumulates soap residues and dried water spots. And cleaning the screens is also easy.

What are the popular types of shower screens?

Size and shape play important roles when choosing the bathroom shower screens in Sydney. You can also install these screens in your existing bathrooms to enhance the look and feel of those spaces. The popular variants of bathroom shower screens are half-circle, semi-oval, square, and rectangular, which you can choose depending on the availability of space. Here come the details of each type of shower screen.

  • Half-circle shower screen:
  • This type of shower screen has one straight side, and the rest sides are curved. Therefore, this screen looks uber stylish and it is highly preferred by modern property owners, who want to decorate their homes uniquely. But installing this screen is a bit complicated and it also costs more than other types of screens.

  • Quadrant or semi-oval shower screen:
  • This type of screen has two ends like square shower enclosures. The middle part of this type of screen has a straight side and a curved side. Here the straight side is placed against the wall and the curved side faces outward to the bathroom. But the only issue with this shower screen is that it maximizes space compared to rectangular and square screens.

  • Square shower screen:
  • This shower screen comes with a similar length on the four sides. The best thing about this screen is that it is also suitable for bathrooms of small space. These screens can easily be fitted onto the bathroom corners or walls. Here the glass offers a clear view of the outside while creating the illusion of a bigger space.

  • Rectangular shower screen:
  • The space of this screen is larger than the square screen and it also offers more space to the user. As the walls of this type of screen have longer side walls and shorter end walls, therefore it is perfect for irregularly shaped areas.

Hope this blog might have provided you with a detailed summary of the shower screens and have encouraged you to install one. Get yours from Iron glass as they bring top-tier quality bathroom shower screens in Sydney with a luxurious build.